We can help you file a UK patent application. We will either draft your UK patent application or edit and review your own drafting. We can also contribute to the thought process by brainstorming with you, so that as many variations of the invention as possible are covered and included in the application.
Instead of a UK patent application, you may want to consider a European patent application. A European patent application is considerably more expensive but represents a much larger market in which royalties may be obtained.
If your budget is tight then it may be better to file your patent application in the US rather than filing a UK patent application or European application, especially if you are only able to file one patent application. The first reason for this is that the US often provides a far larger market than the UK. The second reason is that a US application is much cheaper than a European patent application. And the third reason is that your invention may be patentable in the US, but not in the UK or elsewhere in Europe. This is particularly true if your invention is software based, internet based or involves business methods because the patent laws in the US are more favorable than those for filing UK or European patent applications.
A thorough patent search is always recommended before filing a patent application, whether it be a UK patent, a European patent or a patent in any other jurisdiction. Valuetech has carried out many searches and has often revealed prior art close to the invention in question. With the knowledge of such prior art a more informed decision can be made as to whether to proceed with the patent filing. Another benefit is that the prior art can sometimes inspire an inventor to improve his invention even further.
Typically 2-3 years after filing a patent application you will receive an office action from the patent office to which you applied. It is normal for the patent examiner to object in some way to your application. Negotiation with the examiner during this prosecution stage needs special care. It needs to draw on the expertise of the inventors, it needs an excellent eye for detail, it needs creative thought and it all needs to be combined into a precisely crafted argument. We first draw out the key features from the inventors to provide the basis for the argument, which is then reviewed and finalized by one of our associate patent agents before submitting to the patent office.